
From time to time we write about our thoughts and experiences, related to our field of work. Categorized by subject, there are a variety of posts to read.

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Riding Through Change: LA’s Post-COVID Transit Trends

Date 1 month ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
Riding Through Change: LA’s Post-COVID Transit Trends How LA Metro increased productivity and efficiency during a decline in ridership In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, public transit systems…
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May is Bike Month!

Date 2 months ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
May is Bike Month! Numerous events, for cycling enthusiasts everywhere, mark the arrival of National Bike Month. Biking isn’t just a mode of transportation; for many it’s a lifestyle…
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Keeping Cool: The Power of Urban Trees

Date 3 months ago
Reading Time 3 Mins Read
As average temperatures in many US cities continue to climb and debilitating heat events become more frequent, the importance of green spaces and shade in urban environments has become…
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Put the Phone Away or Pay: Stop Driving Distracted

Date 4 months ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
Distracted driving presents itself in various forms, but one of the most prevalent and dangerous behaviors is texting, scrolling or using cell phones (and on-board screens) while driving. As…
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Can AI transform road safety in California?

Date 5 months ago
Reading Time 4 Mins Read
Like most of the US, California grapples with road safety. With ever larger cars clogging busy urban roads California seeks innovative solutions to curb traffic crashes and reduce congestion….
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Unveiling the LA Metro Owl Service System Map

Date 10 months ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
We are excited to announce the launch of the LA Metro Owl Service Map – a new transit map showcasing bus services that operate between 12-4 AM. This product informs…
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Everyone Deserves Safe Streets

Date 1 year ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Between 2019 and 2022, the number of pedestrian fatalities increased nearly 20%, as reported in detail by Governors Highway Safety Association in their new Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities report. There…
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LA Metro’s Regional Connector

Date 1 year ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
DCR has collaborated with LA Metro over the past few months to re-design and update the majority of its customer-facing maps, triggered by Regional Connector, a significant new enhancement…
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Finnish Tech in LA

Date 1 year ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Last week, DCR was honored to be invited to be part of a discussion between a Finnish Smart City business and research delegation and the City of LA, to…
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Discover the Joy of Cycling this May

Date 1 year ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Last year, DCR worked with Rideshare to develop an online bike map web app. This tool is great for planning a local or regional bike trip, and learning more…
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Distracted? Then Please Don’t Drive

Date 1 year ago
Reading Time 3 Mins Read
Distracted driving is a problem that we are all aware of, but it is also notoriously difficult to quantify the scale of. This is due to the wide array…
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Let’s Take The Bus

Date 1 year ago
Reading Time 3 Mins Read
In the United States, more than half of all trips taken are less than five miles long (source FHWA, 2022). It makes sense that many short trips could easily…
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October is Pedestrian Safety Month!

Date 2 years ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
In 2020 there were 6,516 pedestrians killed due to motor traffic in the United States. That equates to 18 pedestrians every day or 125 pedestrians every week. Why does…
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The Metro K Line is open!

Date 2 years ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
DCR has been busy working on a range of maps for the opening of the new LA Metro K Line. This involved creating new station maps as well as…
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SLO County Online Bike Map

Date 2 years ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
DCR is happy to announce the availability of a new web application for the County of San Luis Obispo. In addition to bikeway infrastructure, the map shows MTB and…
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The Power of Stories and Visuals

Date 3 years ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
We recently helped the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments launch their first ever Active Transportation Plan. Together with project partners Pedal Love, we used storytelling from community members…
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Find DCR in the ESRI Gallery

Date 3 years ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Every year ESRI collects a wide range of mapping products made by users all over the world and displays them in an online map gallery together with a printed…
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Divided By The Highway

Date 6 years ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
Highways, freeways and railways are physical barriers, often dividing our communities – splitting a city in parts. The question is if such division has an effect on the demographic…
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Sweden continues positive Vision Zero trend in 2017

Date 6 years ago
Reading Time 2 Mins Read
According to the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) the main reasons for the continued drop in traffic deaths are reduced speed limits better adapted to existing road designs, safer cars…
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Mapping Real Estate Values

Date 7 years ago
Reading Time < 1 Min Read
Understanding the patterns and trends for real estate valuations is important for: city planning, identifying demographic imbalances and in revealing investment opportunities. Visualizing this data in maps provides accessible insights that…
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