Tag bus infrastructure

Week without driving

Imagine a week where we all choose transportation alternatives to driving our own cars solo: walking, biking, using public transit, or ride sharing. Sure, there may be some downsides - cars are oftentimes convenient - but think about the upsides. This shift in our behavior can significantly reduce traffic congestion, lower fossil fuel exhaust emissions, and improve our air quality. A Week Without Driving can also foster empathy and understanding for those can't take advantage of the benefits of a personal car.
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Keeping Cool: The Power of Urban Trees

As average temperatures in many US cities continue to climb and debilitating heat events become more frequent, the importance of green spaces and shade in urban environments has become increasingly evident. National Heatstroke Prevention Day, observed earlier this month on May 1st, serves as a crucial reminder of the risks posed by excessive heat, particularly in densely populated cities like Los Angeles. To help mitigate these effects, one of the rays of hope we’d like to draw attention to is urban trees and shade.
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Let’s Take The Bus

Bus stop.
In the United States, more than half of all trips taken are less than five miles long (source FHWA, 2022). It makes sense that many short trips could easily be done via active transportation (like walking and biking) or public transportation. So why are cars such a large part of our culture? The short answer is that the car industry and car-related road infrastructure has been prioritized historically, while infrastructure supporting active and public transportation has not been – often making the latter inconvenient, inconsistently available and unsafe.
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